Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Watchman’s Cry - A Herald to Prepare...

Program #165 - Olympic Ceremony Series


CP note: Just when you thought all the stuff about the 2012 London Olympics was a thing of the past! If you take notice of Nathan Leal of “The Watchman’s Cry website, you may find out that the opening and closing ceremonies were just the beginning.

Nathan Leal of the “The Watchman’s Cry”, has put together a major report about the Luciferian, New World Order rituals that occurred at the July 27, 2012, Opening and August 12, 2012, Closing Ceremonies. This report goes even further than the research that I did for the London 2012 Olympic Possible False Flag event where we were looking for a possible catastrophic event to occur. 

Even though the Olympics ended “without incident”, I believe the information that Nathan brings forward will show that the rituals that appeared as a celebration with overt and covert symbolism did indeed open the gateway to the Hoards of Hell that have been allowed for the time of judgement and reveals the plans the elite have for their one world government, economic system and one world religion that has its roots in theosophy.

When I appeared as a guest on the Phoenix Rising Radio show on July 25, 2012 just 2 days before the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics, I shared research about a possible false flag event at the 2012 Olympics. One of the pieces of information I presented was from a prophecy by Benjamin Solari Parravicini, an Argentinian gentleman that received an automatic drawing/writing in 1972 that revealed the following: 

“Fire - Hunger - Pests - Death” repeats the avenging bell who speaks to the world, but even the world does not listen or see.

Comes the darkness of the dragon that seemed asleep.

Comes the terror of the bear that pretended to love and brotherhood.

Comes the humble Democrat that is was never, and comes with poverty, lack of protection, and with them, all the disintegration explosions.”

When I read the above automatic writing on Phoenix's show, particularly the first line where it says “Fire - Hunger - Pests - Death” repeats the avenging bell who speaks to the world, but even the world does not listen or see”, Phoenix stopped me and asked me to reread the first line. He speculated that “the avenging bell who speaks to the world, but even the world does not listen or see” may have something to do with a silent bioweapon that could have been released and not an overt catastrophe.”  When Phoenix said that, I thought he was on to something.

After hearing Nathan Leal's messages about the symbolism of this past Olympic Games, I believe that Phoenix was on the right track, but the symbology may go much deeper than a silent killer weapon speculation. I believe that the opening of the gates to the dark side, even though we didn't physically witness a literal gateway opening, is even more insidious than a bioweapon. 

This opening of the gate to the dark side, didn't come in an obvious evil way to most of the 4 billion people who watched the ceremonies, but it came in under the radar as a satanic ritual with all the colorful bright lights and fireworks, music and fanfare appearing normal and as a celebration. I believe that this is one of those “let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear” moments and, we need to be aware that our adversary comes as a Being of Light and to be aware that scripture speaks of a time of great deception that it could even deceive the elect (God’s children)

Please listen and read with discernment and prayer covering. Again, this is not to scare or is to inform so that we can discern the signs of the times, prophecy, being one of those tools.

Watchmans Cry Alert!

This important audio series exposes the recent Olympic ceremonies that just took place. Their ceremony was a pagan Luciferian ritual and initiation to take our world into their New Age.Their announcement was made and is soon going to be felt worldwide.They have a plan folks! And it appears that their plan is going to fulfill End time Bible Prophecy. As of this update this series is looking to be 7 parts. It is going to go into great detail on what their plan entails.

This is a Multi-Part Series that Exposes the recent 2012 Olympic Pagan Ceremony and the New Age Plan to take over the world!

Table of Contents - Note, each link below goes to series links, program notes and images. Transcripts are coming soon.

Part 1 - Introduction to the Series: Part 1

Part 2 - The New World Order Plan - A Big Crash! Part 2

Part 3 - The Coming New Age False Messiah! Part 3

Part 4A & Part 4B - The Mark of the Beast - Mystery of Iniquity!