Monday, December 3, 2012

Angels, Demons & Alien Deception - Lynn Marzulli (also known as L.A. Marzulli)

CP note: This is what I believe is the true explanation of whole area of aliens and UFO phenomenon. Author, researcher and lecturer Lynn Marzulli totally acknowledges UFOs and aliens but presents the alternate view that many of these entities are not extra dimensional but intra dimensional beings that are not here for our good and are not our creators or saviors and are really a great deception to take out mankind. He has witnessed UFOs and experienced paranormal activity and has been sharing, for the last 30+ years, his knowledge and research.

 The UFO phenomenon about 40 years ago there were only 1 or 2 sightings per year, now it is 400 to 600 per month. He tells of a doctor who has removed implants from people who had been abducted and these implants actually move away when there is an attempt to remove from the body as if it had been integrated biologically in the body and does not act as a foreign object. He has an interesting take on the grays being a biological "suit" that enables these spirit entities to interact in our dimension.

He believes that the revealing or what many may refer to as disclosure will be coming on the heals of a war in the Middle East with a nuclear exchange (that involves the nations we see now in conflict) that will cause great fear in the world and will lead to this great deception because of that fear. Note that this interview was sometime in 2008. I highly recommend this 58 minute interview for anyone who hasn't heard this theory to consider another angle to this whole area of aliens and UFOology.

In one of his recent books called "Prophecy, Politics & the Supernatural, The Coming Great Deception and the Luciferian Endgame" he puts forth what he believes is the coming great deception that goes along with the ending of the Indiana Jones Crystal Skull movie. Is that the coming great deception?

L.A. Marzulli's blog:
also his website is:
His new interactive eBook "The Alien Interviews" is available at:
Here are the interactive links that are in his eBook:

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