Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The "V" Files - Past Global Economic Alerts

The V Files

CP note: I highly encouraged all the readers to check out all this archived information and links to past radio interviews with "V" The Guerrilla Economist" This article was compiled by a listener to help people to go back and read all of "V's" alerts as well as listen to his interviews on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report. Also check out the links in white at the end of this post to listen to past interviews and to read "V's" directives to help you make a plan for economic collapse.

“Look, this is not the time to waste your time investing in any company or diversifying your portfolio. You should have done this ten years ago.

It is a time to continue to buy bullion no matter what the spot price is.”

The following pages contain chronological emails sent since March 2012 from an anonymous European investment banker (he signs his emails with the initial “V”) to a radio talk show host and author Steve Quayle regarding the European debt crisis, the predicted collapse of the Euro and its affect on the U.S. dollar. This informant has been sharing behind-the-scenes information on what insiders have been calling the “Spanish flu” / “Swine flu” along with his intel on:

  •   Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain (PIIGS)
  •   Euro / Eurozone crash/collapse/slowdown
  •   JP Morgan $150B derivative trade loss
  •   $200 - $300T American derivative exposure
  •   Bank runs
  •   Solvency crisis
  •   Market crash
  •   Meltdown
  •   Silver & gold manipulation
  •   Electronic traded funds (ETFs)
  •   Western fractional reserve banking
  •   Bank holiday
  •   Credit default swap (CDS) exposure
  •   Liquidity crisis
  •   Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS)
  •   Mining stocks
  •   Economic reset
  •   Capital controls
  •   Housing bubble
  •   Bank deposits
  •   U.S. debt
  •   Currency devaluation
  •   Currency war
  •   Trade war
  •   Precious metals
  •   Hyperinflation
  •   U.S. treasure bubble
  •   Commodities
  •   U.S. dollar collapse
  •   $1Q Global derivative debt
  •   “Hacking” of European banks
  •   $800T London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal
  •   Global Stealth Cyber Bank Run (GSCBR)
  •   MF Global 
  •   PFG Best 
  •   JP Morgan 
  •   Hyperinflationary depression 
  •   QE3 
  •   Metals supression 
  •   October/November 2012 event 
  •   Bank of America & Citigroup acquisition 
  •   Morgan Stanley die-off 
  •   Gauss virus 
  •   Near Field Communication (NFC) smartphone payment system 
  •   Singularity 
  •   Seizuire of European assets and infrastructure 
  •   Global war 
  •   Capital controls 
  •   Depression 
  •   Solvency crisis 
  • He offers specific strategies to protect your money and investments from this crisis.
    The expected Euro collapse will ultimately affect financial and economic conditions in the U.S. which is why you should pay particular attention to the information in these emails and take the appropriate action (sooner rather than later) to preserve your net worth.

    The emails have been reproduced unedited and in their entirety. Because Steve’s web site underwent a new design (8/1/12), the links to the older emails no longer work (i.e. V’s emails prior to August 1, 2012 are not searchable on the new web site). Therefore, this PDF document contains the only known collection of all of V’s emails since he began sending them.

    This document will be updated as newer emails are published and can be downloaded from

    Any doubts to the existence of V (now also known as the Guerrilla Economist) were dispelled on January 11, 2013 when V himself went on talk radio for the first time. Since then he continues to make numerous radio appearances. This document also contains my notes from each radio show.
To listen to V’s radio talk show appearances, go here: For an action plan based on V’s recommendations, go here: 

Share this info with those you care about.

“I will make it as clear for you as possible:
your wealth, your way of life and your posterity's future is being purged, flushed and burned out.

It’s time to get out of dodge. What are you waiting for?”



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